Scroll down at your own risk, cheats below!
burnthehousedown - dacopykittylevel
upandout - wingster
stophittingme - quebecoisrage
Possible Cheat Code Replacements
original code | character amount | replacement | description |
needa(n)x | 5(6) | gimmeX(s) | spawns a(n) X in the item box |
istillplaywithlegos | 19 | itsresetdoortimenow | unbreaks all blocks in the stage |
itsrainingmen | 13 | isureneedthis | drops 25 1-UPs |
donttypethis | 12 | bobombplanet | drops 25 bombs |
wetwater | 8 | ittoodry | changes current level to under water |
shadowstar | 10 | ghostytime | the player can pass through walls and ceilings |
itsamemario | 11 | thatisademo | changes the player to Mario(Demo) |
itsameluigi | 11 | thatsaniris | changes the player to Luigi(Iris) |
supermarioX | 10 | superbdemoX | makes X duplicates of the player |
1player | 7 | raomode | changes the game to single player |
2player | 7 | pprmode | changes the game to co-op |
wariotime | 9 | capitalis | changes all enemies into coins |
wherearemycarkeys | 17 | ohdangthatkeyboss | spawns a key in the player's hands |
boingyboing | 11 | justtoohigh | spawns a springboard in the player's hands |
bombsaway | 9 | ohmanbomb | spawns a bomb in the player's hands |
firemissiles | 12 | ohmanbullets | spawns a bullet in the player's hands |
powhammer | 9 | armegadon | spawns a POWblock in the player's hands |
hammerinmypants | 15 | throwinghammers | spawns a Hammer Bro in the player's hands |
rainbowrider | 12 | itsdiscotime | spawns an inverted disco shell in the player's hands |
Xegg | 3 | Xroe | spawns an X type egg in the player's hands |
stickyfingers | 13 | tenacioustoes | allows the player to pick up any NPC |
captainn | 8 | juststop | stops time when PAUSE is pressed (PAUSE bound to ESC won't work) |
flamethrower | 12 | mchammerdude |
flame rates are increased 5/2 flame speed is increased 6/4 and auto rapid-fire (also applys to hammers) |
moneytree | 9 | havemoney | player's coins increase rapidly until 99 coins and lives is reached or level ends |
donthurtme | 10 | strategyyo | god mode |
wingman | 7 | peawing | allows raccoon items and makes all Yoshis have wings that last and fly indefinitely(P-wing) |
sonicstooslow | 13 | chipmunktiime | speeds everything up |
ahippinandahoppin | 17 | jumplikesomething | infinite double jumps |
framerate | 9 | no need to change | displays frame rate |
speeddemon | 10 | waytoofast | no framerate limit |
anothercastle | 13 | chipmunkthyme | changes the player to toad(Raocow) |
ibakedacakeforyou | 17 | luigisonlycomrade | changes the player to Peach(Kood) |
iamerror | 8 | oublions | changes the player to Link(Sheath) |
fairymagic | 10 | everhigher | transforms player into a fairy a la fairy power-up |
iceage | 6 | brrbrr | freezes all enemies |
imtiredofallthiswalking | 23 | no need to change | reveils all paths |
illparkwhereiwant | 17 | no need to change | free movement on map |
redigitiscool | 13 | raocowisswell | allows cheat-saving |
-it's kash editing this page for personal reference, don't fret